Fun Facts – Lion & Hippo
Fun Fact Taylz- Lion’s thinking Nose
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Lion’s Thinking Nose is the second in a new series called Quirky Critters’ Fun Fact Taylz.
Quirky Critters’ Fun Fact Taylz by Erratic Tales: Second in the series is Lion’s Thinking Nose
A delightful fun-fact tale about the Lion’s Thinking Nose!
Fun Fact Taylz- Hippo’s poo-peller
Hippo’s Poo-Peller is the first in a new series called Quirky Critters’ Fun Fact Taylz.
Quirky Critters’ Fun Fact Taylz by Erratic Tales: First in the series is Hippo’s Poo-Peller
A delightful fun-fact tale about the Hippo’s quirky rotating tail!
Please, please, please don’t sneeeze on that tjeeze!
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