Erratic Tales
ee-RAT-eek Rhyming Tales
The delightful Taylz of Mr Tea- Tyme Tjeezie Mouse, his friend the Crosspatch Cat, The Lickerty Shlurpity Lollipop Team, and the Mouse lolling about on the feathery crown of the owl, Owl Say!
Erratic Rhyming Taylz to make you laugh and colour in.

Erratic tales
Erratic Tales to tweak your tail,
make you laugh out loud, explore wordplay, bringing fun into your day with e-Rat-eeeeeck rhymes.
Enjoy great tongue-twisting times!
We invite you to engage on each and every page!
Join us to explore,
and find out more…

Our Products
Story books
Tjeezie Teatime Taylz: fun story books for the young at heart of all ages to enjoy!
Activity Bundles
Images to enhance each Tjeezie Tea-Tyme Tayl and make it your own!
Snap Cards, Inspirational Cards & Stickers
A comprehensive package of Tjeezie Tea-Tyme Taylz with their very own Colour-Me-In Book. Explore each picture as you listen to your favourite person reading the Taylz, colouring in to your heart’s content.
Fun Filled Taylz
To Choose From
The delightful Taylz of Mr Tea- Tyme Tjeezie Mouse, his friend the Crosspatch Cat,
The Lickerty Shlurpity Lollipop Team, and the Mouse lolling about on the feathery crown of the owl, Owl Say!

e-Rat-eeeeeck rhymes
…lickerty shlurpity
lickerty lick…
I can see what
makes you tick!
…oh, how can I win…
when what you say
belongs right in the bin!
Silly, billy?
I’m not a goat!
No, no!
I’m not talking
about your coat!
Tjeezie Tea-Tyme Taylz
Tjeezie Tea-Tyme Taylz are Taylz based on the cover painting of each book. You might notice on closer inspection, and once you have read each story, that several creatures are not in the paintings.
As each story unfolded, more and more characters, situations and play on words were added, which lead to the creation of our Colour-Me-In Book 1 which expands on the visual imagery of each story, adding the new characters introduced into each Tayl.

Colour-Me-In Book
One of those creatures is the invisible or non-existent illusionary goat, who is nowhere to be found on the painting of Lickerty Lollipop Woods! But you will find him, for sure, in the Colour-Me-In Book 1, waiting for you to give your own splash of colour to his Splendid Triangulated Coat!
Be brave, be bold, or keep it soft with pastels. Use multi colours, mono-tones or select three of your favourite colours to keep it neat. Or candy-coloured rainbows to make your pictures sweet! Most of all have fun, and use your imagination to create your own magical stories.
Interactive & Fun
The Taylz and the Colour-Me-In Book are interactive and we invite you
to explore, draw, scribble, add your own creatures, stars, swirls and more, colour with realistic colours or be daring and colour with the zaniest of combinations, but most of all HAVE FUN! And remember, it’s all about the splendid, magical, secret recipe – oh, what is in this mysterious cup of tea Mr Tjeezie Mouse wants to share with all of you and me? Wait and see!
Dr Fahr-nie & Jen

Our Books are available to purchase on our online store: Local is Lekker ZA, Erratic Tales
OR Contact Us directly for more information:
082 413 9917